In 1985, the state of Israel awarded a prestigious Best Employee of The Year award “Pras-Kaplan” to Michael Ramazanov of Scitex Corp. The ceremony took place at the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, in Jerusalem. ???XX, Uzi Ish-Horowitz, Itzik Sanua, Shlomo Waldmann, Hezi Marueli, Yakov Laor, Efi Arazi, Sosh Komemi ( in front of Efi ), Moti,Tami Kimmelmann, Amos Brubi, Elik Fanger ( behind Ramazanov ), Julio, Yoel Stern, Moshe Shenkar, ???XX, David Hayek and Eli Zilberman ( in front ), Ramazanov’ mother, Michael Ramazanov, his Wife and daughter and sitting are a couple of his friends. If you have any corrections or additional names, please Email to