Erwin Busselot (ExScite/STE) has Emailed us this picture and description:
“The picture was taken during IPEX ’93 in Birmingham. Basically this was the Scitex Scanner team (click on the image for detailed view). From left to right: Amir Kleinstern, Oded Milstein, Shouki Garibi, Erwin Busselot, Filip Hasebeyt, Ziv Argov and of course Koby Shtaierman.
Personally I’ve some warm memories about this picture. All these people were among those involved with the launching of the Smart 340 line. This product was essential for Scitex in those days for penetrating what was then called the PostScript market (=Apple Macintosh world). It was also the first of many successful scanner products to follow. Furthermore, it shows a team that closely worked together over the geographic and cultural boundaries.
Now 12 years later I’m still in contact with some of the people in this picture.”