
Erwin Busselot (ExScite/STE) has Emailed us this picture and description:

“The picture was taken during IPEX ’93 in Birmingham. Basically this was the Scitex Scanner team (click on the image for detailed view). From left to right: Amir Kleinstern, Oded Milstein, Shouki Garibi, Erwin Busselot, Filip Hasebeyt, Ziv Argov and of course Koby Shtaierman.
Personally I’ve some warm memories about this picture. All these people were among those involved with the launching of the Smart 340 line. This product was essential for Scitex in those days for penetrating what was then called the PostScript market (=Apple Macintosh world). It was also the first of many successful scanner products to follow. Furthermore, it shows a team that closely worked together over the geographic and cultural boundaries.
Now 12 years later I’m still in contact with some of the people in this picture.”


We have recently found this 1974 (?) picture of the original Scitex Response system. The awesome computing power was developed to handle complex color designs for the textile industry, intended to drive fabric knitting machines.
From left to right: 1) Rack of Scitex-built electronics, 2) Rack containing HP mini computer and 20MB (!!!) disc inside, 3) Paper-tape reader/punch unit (table-top!!!), 4) next to it is a Color Separation Scanner, 5) Teletype (3-in-one!) keyboard, printer and paper-tape reader/punch, 6) CRT. 
Sitting (on the left) behind the keyboard and fixing bugs is Rony Ross.


The ExScite – Aharon Korem, now working for HP division in Israel [what used to be called: ScitexVision], is devoting his free time to his [conventional and digital] arts.
Korem, known to his long time friends as Zinger, is a real Scitex veteran [27 years]. He is currently a Senior Fellow, dealing with out-of-the-box technologies and feasibility projects regarding inkjet. He started at Scitex when the company was still Scientific Technology (Technologya Madait) located at the Weizmann Insitute in Rehovot, working in the optical lab. He later moved and joined Aprion, the Scitex inkjet spin-off. Aprion was later forced to merge with ScitexVision, which was recently sold to HP. The company is located in Netanya, Israel.

Aharon defines himself as a painter and a sculptor using recycled materials. To view Aharon’s paintings, log into: . Here you can see a sample of his original paintings, where some of them are digitally enhanced.


David Nacash joined Scitex, Israel in 1985 as an ELP team leader. Since then, David has been with the output division at Kodak[Creo/Scitex] working on Output Devices and on press imaging technologies..

David’s hobby is painting. He mostly paint in oil. The pictures in the enclosed presentation are some of his painting from different stages of his life.
Click here to see a dynamic presentation of David’s latest art (Click on the image to continiue to ‘flip’ pictures).


The ExScite Danny Rozin  is an artist, educator and developer, working in the area of interactive digital art. As an interactive artist Danny creates installations and sculptures that have the unique ability to change and respond to the presence and point of view of the viewer. In many cases the viewer becomes the contents of the piece and in others the viewer is invited to take an active role in the creation of the piece. Even though computers are often used in Rozin’s work, they are seldom visible.

As an educator, Danny is the Director Of Research and adjunct professor at ITP, Tisch School Of The Arts, NYU  where he teaches such classes as Interaction Design and Expressing with Technology, and directs the research efforts. As developer, Rozin owns Smoothware Design, a software company that creates tools for the interactive art and multimedia authoring community.

Born in Jerusalem and trained as an industrial designer Danny lives and works in New York. His work has been exhibited widely and featured in publications such as The New York Times, Wired, ID, Spectrum and USA Today. His work has earned him numerous awards including Prix Arts Electronica, ID Design Review and the Chrysler Design Award.

Click here to see a video presentation of Danny’s work: and see Dani’s fantastic to watch- “painting” in video- here

Danny was a human engineering designer at Scitex in Herzlia.  Another of Danny’s shining attributes is that he is the little brother of our own creative artist Etan Rozin,’s technical and art manager! (click to see Etan’s Photo Gallery).


A real fine-arts treat welcomes you as you walk into the main corridor at building-1 of Scitex/Creo/Kodak in Herzlia, Israel.

The professional looking, beautifully crafted paintings are on loan to the company by the talented retired Scitex employee Tina Krispin.
The exhibit on the ground floor is worth visiting– if you can get in.


Have been seen walking around Print 05 show in McCormick Place in Chicago, September. 2005.
From left to right:
Aizikowitz, Halevy, Karni, Haruta, Doron, Leshem, Lubitch, Israeli, Hideki, Shamir, Lutt, Armoni, Karp, Gilboa, Savariego, Rosen, Kram, Tal


When Scitex was still Scitex…

These mugs have been found in the attic and photographed for ExScite.
The mug on the left is based on a drawing by Shmuel Sucarri.


On the last days of August 2005, Shmulik Succari hosted in his house several ExScite old timers and their spouses.
In the picture, standing from left to right:
Yoav Chelouche, Micha Michaeli, Dan Zetland holding Shmulik Succari, Haim Benyamini (in the back), Dalia Bachar, Efi Arazi, Galit Felix and Uzi Ish-Horowitz.
Gerald Dogon who was also there and had to leave early, is not included in the picture.


Nathan R. Yakobovitch who’s currently the Director, Global Strategic Purchasing at NICE Systems Ltd. Israel has sent us this picture and list of names:
    “Early June 2005 we eventually met– The whole ancient STCL Purchasing bunch had a gathering at Avi Raby’s place in Hertzliya. The faces were the same, a wrinkle here and there, the hair is somewhat greyer (or lesser, in some cases) but the same loving happy eyes. In the attached collage, you can see us all. From top left:
Iris Dassa, Avi Raby, Arita Mattsoff, Nili Berger, Michael Katz, Rafi Rauscher, Suzanne Leaf, Michelle Herman, Gailie Steger, Jorge Gerber, Zalman Tzibel, Nira Neuberger, Nava Bachar, Nathan Yakobovitch, Florie Nitzan, Yossi Keinan, Nicola Jacks, Yisrael Leshman, Ilanit Interstein, Moshe Obertziger, Yaffa Baer, Hanoch Halamish, Mili Kalech, Lea Bar Dayan.
We even got a phone call from Nicole Furman in S. Africa, regreting for not joining”

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