
One of the Scitex groups that is not frequently mentioned here at ExScite is the Mechanical Factory. This group has been one of the best mechanical manufacturing facility in the private sector in Israel.
In this early 1980’s picture is David Attia, the colorful group manager.


This CRT picture, a part of a Scitex demo system, was taken in the Israeli Negev desert in Feb 2000 during a visit of European customers and dealers to Scitex.
Does anyone recognize the customer or the employee leaning forward in the middle of the picture?
If you scroll back to the Nostalgia posting of 1/1/2004 you can see another picture from the same event in the desert.


This picture of Creo employees was taken outside of the Creo/Scitex building at the end of the summer.
The occasion was the annual party that the company organizes for its retirees.
If you have the names attached to these smiling faces, please Email them to
Send us more, we would be happy to publish additional pictures from that event (and from others too?.).


For the very-very ExScite old -timers, here is a picture from 1970.

The product is a 12″ diameter, mirror telescope with a 5000mm focal

length connected to very hi-speed 35mm motion film camera.

picture was taken at the optical lab (then, still in Rehovot, Israel).

The project was designed for the military applications and included

integration of these components into long-range intelligence

observation system.
The project code name was – Kan Akiva.

I remember this Telescope very well. I recall we tested it twice with 2 different teams on 2 different times. If I recall, we were the second team with Eli, & Hanan Drori..
We spent 3 days on mountains in the north, testing this telescope. At that time I was not sure what was the gadget designed for.

Meir Levi


Happy new year to all our ExScite friends. May the new 2005 have a clearer view of the future.

This picture was taken in front of the Scitex/Creo building No. 1 in Herzlia Israel.

Jacob Rothschild with Vietcong fighters

Jacob Rothschild who had been STE’s VP Customer Support has sent us this picture.
Jacob worked for Scitex Europe between the years 1980 and 1990. All along Jacob has contributed to the Scitex Israel Pension plan and is now benefiting from it. He recently retired and is back in Israel. He and his wife Shula are spending quality time with their 5 grandchildren as well as traveling to nice places.
He wrote us: “In the picture we are with Vietcong fighters in a recent trip to Vietnam and Singapore”.


The year is 1975, a nice September day on the shores of the Lago de Como in Northern Italy.
Following a successful ITMA exhibition in Milan, the team that had worked so hard, went to cool off in the lakes region, between Italy and Switzerland.
In the picture from left to right: Dani Zetland, Shuky Cohen, Etty Broudo (the late wife of Moshe) holding their 2 years old son Gil, Moshe Broudo and

Scitex “last supper” cartoon (Succary)

The talented Leonardo Da Shmulico has drawn many cartoons and illustration about
Scitex, during his long career at the company. Since leaving Scitex, Shmulik Succari has been
providing graphic design, creation and illustration services to corporations in
under the name of
Studio Arteshock

This illustration can be seen [and many others] at the Scitex section of Shmulik’s website. The
picture was fashioned after

DaVinchi’s “Last Supper”
depicting Scitex’s top management in their worst moments in 1985.

ExScites Spotted at Photokina Sept. 2004

Spotted at the Photokina trade show in Cologne, Germany in September 2004.
Most of the faces are of the Leaf/Scitex [Creo] people. The others were there as ExScite’s in other booths. In the collage:

Top row from the left: Moshe Keydar, Ilan Carmi, Yisrael Cohen, Leon Goldsmith
Middle row from the left: Avi Raby, Ron Be’ery, Ziv Argov, Yakov Pluda
Bottom row from the left: Amit Shvartz, Stanley Barkan, Yoel Toledano, [?]

1970 Scientific Technology Lab (later became Scitex)

Assa Bar Lev has sent us this picture (and others to be published later) from Boston.
It was taken in November 1970 at the lab in Scientific Technology (what later became Scitex) in Rehovot, Israel.
In the picture from the left: Assa Bar Lev, Amiram Chen (sitting) and Jacob Laor. The group was busy developing a fast servo system for X-Y Stepping Stage for TAC (Teledyne) positioner.

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