Textile imaging system team- dinner 1972

This picture of a dinner party in Israel was sent to us by the ExScite Moshe Broudo. Back in 1972, Scitex was the global leading company in imaging for textiles.
In this picture the product team is celebrating the first shipment of the “Mark 2” color separation scanner for textile design.
In the picture from right to left: Shmil Amit and his wife, Yossi Tayeb and his wife, the late Jacob Stein and his wife, Arie Levin and his wife Dalya Mazor, Moshe Broudo, and Mrs. and Israel Pearl .

Thanks to those members who have been sending us pictures and war stories– please send us some of yours too.

If any of you have people and product pictures, fabric samples and other nostalgia from those days, please send us.

Cloned Response system

This picture was taken at the final-assembly facility of Scitex in Herzlia in 1983. It was when Scitex was planning to be the giant of the prepress industry, and reinvented itself and its product line? that is literally invented?.  The upper right section of this 1983 annual-report centerfold was created by an amazing new digital tool? CLONE BRUSH to give the awesome impression of a giant assembly line. It worked well, don’t you think?

A secret mission behind the Iron Curtain….

A secret mission behind the Iron Curtain….
Korem (Ex-STCL, now with ScitexVision/Aprion) has sent us this picture, taken in the winter of 1982.
It was one of the first ELP and Super-Scanner Service mission in the Eastern Block, in what was once Czechoslovakia, in a village named Dvure Kralove ..
In the picture sitting on the left (the Ex Scitex Israel)- Dudu Shamir and sitting grinning in the middle – Aharon Korem.  The others in the picture are the customer’s operators.

Drupa ’76- Germany- Response 200 demo team

This picture was taken at Drupa 76(?) in Germany, when Scitex was still deep into imaging for textile and geo-cartography applications.
In the picture from the left:
Standing near the color separation scanner- Dani Herzka, and Steven Daniel . Sitting at the CIPC Console: Ilan Fono and Ruthie Gahtan (Evevn). Standing on the right is Herbert Cohen, a very important cusomer/partner of Scitex those days.


Thanks to those members who have been sending us pictures and war stories– please send us some of yours too.

Seen @ OnDemand Expo, NYC 2003

Thanks to those members who have been sending us pictures and war stories– please send us some of yours too.

Have been seen roaming the OnDemand Expo in New York City, on a Snowy April 2003 day – Click on the picture to enlarge.
From the left:
Upper row: David, Ayelet, Nizani, Scott, Ira, Dan
Lower Row: Ilan, Homi, Eli, Yaron, Dan, Reuven, Marc

The Ex-Iris ladies

Shaivalini Purohit and Nanette Clark two of the few remaining Iris-Graphics employees, posed for a picture during the pink-slip party near the company’s building in Chelmsford MA in July 2002.
If you happen to know where they are these days, please ask them to register at ExScite.org.

Thanks to those members who have been sending us pictures and war stories– please send us some of yours too.

Eli Israeli hosting the President of Israel

The ExScite Eli Israeli who managed the revolutionary project Response 300 color imaging system, had his work cut out for him. In addition to managing the development Eli had to host heads of states! When you click on his picture, circa +/- 1978 , you will see Eli demonstrating the system to the President of The State Of Israel, the honorable Itzhak Navon (standing behind with glasses).
These days Eli is with HP/Indigo in Rehovot Israel.

The child behind Eli is Efi’s son.

Thanks to those members who have been sending us pictures and war stories– please send us some of yours too.


Click on the image to see another great graphic interpretation of the Scitex Logo, illustrated by S. Succari during the glory days of Drupa in the early 80’s.

Thanks to those members who have been sending us pictures and war stories– please send us some of yours too.


Anyone remembers the days when the HP 1000 was the workhorse computer-platform of the Scitex Response System and the Pixet was the most modern digital imaging workstation in the world ?
Click on the picture to see the brains behind the hardware development in 1980. In the large picture from the front to the back: Michael Cohen, Yacov Lichter, Ita Portnoy, Albert Yafe and Ami Caspi of the Scitex Herzlia R&D team.

Thanks to those members who have been sending us pictures and war stories– please
send us some of yours too.

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