
The Timna Team was definitely one of the first casualties of the Creo takeover of Scitex. This picture was taken in 2000, before the Timna++ project was discontinued. The picture was sent by to us by Doron Rippel from Vancouver.


A few ExScite friends got together on New Year?s Eve to ring in 2003.
In the picture, from Left to Right: Oded Hammer, Ruth Lancet-Dolan, Shelagh Hammer, (non-ExScite) Janna, Mike Dolan .
On the far right [Click on the picture here to see the full size picture] is Nili Bresler


As early as 1970?s Aharon Nizani knew that he?ll eventually live in Boston, the city of the legendary baseball team, the Boston Red Sox. The picture is of the young Nizani sitting (wearing his red sox) at the Dusseldorf Messe during the set-up of the Drupa 1977 tradeshow.

Nostalgia took this group shot during the Trainers Team Meeting in 1992 or 1993 in front of the Bedford. MA office, in the good old days.
Back row: Stan Najmr, Rick Conte, Mark Mascara, unknown, John Marquardt, Jim ?, Roni Gilboa?, Paul Costa, Steve Solomon, Bob LeComte, Frank Cervantes, Leigh Kimmelman
Row 2: Maria , Nannette Lyons, Julie Mount, Scott Champeau, Deb Arsenault, Jeff Rosenbaum, Will Ruperto
Row 3: Boris Poberesky?, unknown, unknown, Melanie Adams, Marc Johnson, Dov Shocham, Tim Conboy, Jeannette Thorpe, Paul Angelsky, Jackie Perez, Nick Toscano, Denise Desplaines, Bob Lee
Front row: Aron Blume?, Sue Fuhs, Bill Mc Cafferty, Margaret Burke, Bill Colton


Before there were commercial digital color scanners, before the Internet and before the world got used to tiny, yet powerful digital cameras, there was the Satlight. The Scitex Satlight Portable Film Scanner was a product ahead of its time. Introduced in the middle of the 80?s this ‘portable’ (which needed two strong men to carry) weighed about 50Kg. It included built-in: 35mm Film scanner, color CRT monitor, broadband communication, CPU, hard-disc and lots of electronics. Since only a few devices have actually been sold to real customers?the picture of Satlight here is dedicated to the nostalgic dreamers of the time.


?Herzlia, Israel – 12-10-78? is the date marked on the upper corner of right image (above the propeller. Click on the picture to enlarge). These proofs constitute a monumental milestone in the history of the digital color graphic science, a defining moment in which Scitex has just invented a new industry?DIGITAL PRE-PRESS.
These images have been produced in front of a real customer (Herr. Echler of Bauer Co. of Hamburg, Germany) in a live demonstration in Israel. The demo was based on all-digital workflow: Scanning (using an old Hell drum scanner), image handling using computer software (on Scitex?s CIPC connected to an HP 1000 computer with Scitex operating system) and exposing color separation films (on the ELP).


For all those sad investors looking at the dismal performance of the Scitex shares on NASDAQ (just above $1/share today)?here is something to remind you of long gone days. In the picture (click to see details) is the original IPO T-Shirt featuring the cover of the prospectus, which was given out after the successful issue in 1980.

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