Drupa ’86- Obertziger & Zetland

Have you ever noticed how Dani Zetland is markedly taller than Mose Oberziger? Well, here is the proof.
The picture was take outside of the Scitex booth as it was being built at the Dusseldorf Messe, for Drupa 1986.

Installation of Siggraph, Boston ’82

The ExScite Shmuel Dekel sent us this picture. It was taken during the installation of the Response–250 system at the Siggraph show in Boston, in August 1982. See the old Super Scanner at the back and the R-250 console in the front. The installation team, standing from right to left: Moshe Gershoni, Yuval Asody and Shmuel Dekel.

Dolev for sale in Paris 2007

Psst, want to see a Dolev video? A Scitex Dolev video was posted at the DailyMotion.com, a Paris base YouTube-like video web community
To watch a total of one minute video, taken on 04 July 2007 in lyon, France- click here.
Or as they say in France: : Flasheuse CTF Dolev 4 Press occasion installé par appligraphic.com

Scitex Israel celebrated its 25th year (’93)

Simcha Bar Lev has sent us a scan of this old invitation. This month 14 years ago (Aug 1993), Scitex Israel celebrated its 25th anniversary in a respectable cultural way. The employees were bused to the Israel Museum in Jerusalem and had an evening full of fun and culture. The picture is of the formal invitation to the event.

“Click for larger view” to see the letter to the employees describing the logistics and the program of the event.

Reuven Treep “in” Response 200

Treep with R-200

Treep with R-200

In this picture (circa 1976) Reuven Treep assisting in setting-up the Scitex Europe office in Brussels. The demo centre initially included the textile system Response 200 which used the old Scitex logo.
The old blue logo symbolized a single knitted fabric stitch loop. As you can see in the background, the Scitex logo was hyphenated as SCI-TEX, short for Scientific Technology or Textiles.
In 1978 Scitex decided to modernize the logo and changed the color in red.
The picture was sent to us by Reuven, who was one of the first application engineers at Scitex and was about 10 years with the company. He now lives in Holland.



Scitex road trip in the Negev

This  wild ride picture was taken in Spring 1993. This is one of the un paved roads leading to the lowest place on earth- the Dead Sea in the Judea Desert in Israel. It was shot and sent to us by the ExScite Bob Rosenbaum.

Click to enlarge the picture. You may recognize yourself of your friends, when you were young and daring.

Scientific Technology (Scitex)- first scanner 1972

Thirty five years ago Scitex introduced its first scanner. In fact, the device was a combination of laser scanner and recorder built into one unit. This 1972 product had been delivered to a Boston based company and then worked for year to come on scanning, digital enhancing and finally recording satellite black & white photograph for the American intelligence.
This was one of the first high resolution rotary scanner/recorder of its kind in the world. The core was a 5mW red HeNe laser that could scan both film and reflective prints on the input side; and record on Polaroid instant 4×5” positive or negative on the output side.
The system also included: HP 1000 computer (with 4KB RAM board), the software was written in Assembler, Magnetic tape to store image data (no disc) and Teletype keyboard/printer. That’s it.
If you want to see how the scanner looks from the inside, click on the picture above.
The images were Emailed to us by Yacov Laor, who had worked on the project.
You too, are invited to send us historically significant images like that

STE openning the Dusseldorf service office in 1983

The ExScite Jacob Rothschild sent us this 24 years old STE-related nostalgic picture:
“ In the upper corrner you see Arie Rosenfeld with the Israeli ambassador to Belgium Mr. Hadas at the opening of the European logistic center in Brussels, I am [Jacob]at the back.
The lower photo is from the opening of the Dusseldorf service office in 1983. At the center you see Dr. Dan Nicolas, our famous and aggressive sale person for Germany. On the left of Dan is myself shaking hands with one of our European customers. On my left is Avi Rabi service manager for Germany”.

STE training center, Zaventem, Belgium

The ExScite Gian Paolo Bertelli has sent us this from Ferrara, Italy:

“This is a picture of one of the first training for Dolev 100. Here we are in Nosseghem near the Brussels airport, the first training center of Scitex in Europe. The instructor was Ammon Frank and the engineers in training were (from left to right)-
Standing: Gian Paolo Bertelli, Alexander Kleinman
Sitting: Amnon Frnak, Peter S., Gilad Liser.
I am still at Scitex Europe since 1988 as one of the first employees in Italy”.
Click on the image to see details.

Knitted fabric- first Japanese customer in Osaka- 1976

Among his Shmates the ExScite Yigal Maharal discovered this gem. This picture is of a double-knit fabric, which was produced on a circular knitting machine, driven by a digital image from the Scitex Response system. Yigal received this knit sample while visiting Fukuhara in Osaka, one of the first customers of Scitex in Japan in 1976.
Click on the picture to see details.

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